Money makes money, right? A phrase that gets thrown around, but how do you turn your hard-earned dollars, euros or pounds into the type of investment returns that will make a difference?
Figuring out the how that works for you isn’t easy at present. There are lots of options.
From the professional advisory industry, that is very often conflicted making it difficult to determine who they are representing, and often they charge the type of fees that eat into potential returns.
To the other end of the paid spectrum, many investment sites promise ‘instant returns’ or ‘our predictions have returned <insert crazy big number>% since 1997’ as justification to sell picks. But of course, without giving full context for all predictions made of the full P&L required to make an informed decision.
To the super conflicted ‘free’ end of the spectrum where the likes of WallStreetBets prospers through the delivery of advice from people who directly prosper from the people who consume the advice, mostly anonymously of course.
As a result, many would-be investors don’t engage or leave their money languishing in low interest, inflation hurting saving accounts.
There is a different way.
Club Equity is different. A private (digital) club setup to connect smart, curious professionals who wish to learn more from engaged, like-minded people.
The format is simple. Club Equity makes it easy for friends connect once a week/month/quarter to share intelligence on different ways to invest. From the exploration of companies, sectors, investment approaches and even ‘what didn’t work well’. Friends collaborate to become smarter investors.
And given the social connections within each club, the content shared has a significantly reduced chance of being conflicted.
But that is only part of the value Club Equity brings. Content created within each Club is shared across the private network. This gives members the opportunity to learn from like-minded professionally you don’t know today, across the globe. Social and professional validation help ensure a secure private community for candid sharing.
And as the community features build and deliver more value, Club Equity will power itself financially through (minimal) charging for access. You and your data will never be ‘the product’. Security. Privacy. Shared Interests. These are the elements that will help ensure we build a community that will power us to succeed,